April 06, 2020

Youth Development Programme

SAIMI supports several development initiatives for youth and maritime school learners, with the aim of strengthening existing programmes that raise awareness of maritime careers and the oceans environment and to develop maritime and life skills. In particular, the intention is to strengthen the National Seafarer Development Programme by widening the pool of potential recruits and supporting better preparedness of learners for maritime studies. SAIMI has provided support to the following programmes:

 Royal Cape Yacht Club Sailing Academy (RCYC) 

• Sail Africa Youth Development Foundation 
• SATS General Botha Old Boys (GBOBA) 
• South African Sea Cadets (SASC) 


The Royal Cape Yacht Club Sailing Academy (RCYC) provides a skills development program to potential and current maritime cadets, with the intention of equipping learners with skill sets that enable them to pursue a career as offshore crew and seafarers. Their approach is to use sailing as a medium to build competence on small crafts in similar conditions that they would encounter on vessels at sea. They are of the opinion that a competent sailor will make a confident and capable seafarer.

The Program:

• Swimming courses.

• Dinghy sailing.
• Augmented sailing.
• Competent crew.
• Maritime awareness.
• Day skippers courses.
• Coastal skippers courses.
• Yacht Master courses.
• Ocean Yacht master courses.
• Personal Survival Techniques (STCW A-Vl/1-1).
• Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (STCW A-Vl/1-4).
• Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting : (STCW A-Vl/1-2).
• Medical First Aid (STCW A-Vl/4-1).

For more information about RCYC click HERE


Sail Africa is a Non-Profit Public Benefit Organisation (063-968-NPO) with a Section 18A status, registered with the Department of Social Development since September 2008. 

Operating out of Boatman Lane, Durban Marina, the sailing area is within the Harbour precinct. 

Sail Africa has a history of introducing PDI Youth to the sport of sailing going back to 2008, and occupies a niche in Durban in introducing township youth to the maritime culture

The Program:

• SA Sailing Day Skipper Course Instructor developer certificate;.

• ISAF (International Sailing Federation) Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor certificates;
• Personal Survival Techniques;
• Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities;
• Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting;
• Medical First Aid; 
• Swimming courses

For more information about Sail Africa Youth Development Foundation click HERE!


The General Botha Old Boys’ Association Bursary Fund promotes maritime education and training. We do this via raising funds to provide financial assistance to formerly disadvantaged school going students at Lawhill Maritime Centre at Simon’s Town School. In addition, Tertiary Bursaries for Maritime Studies are awarded to selected students. An ongoing Mentorship and Outreach program, in partnership with various organisations and supported by Captains of Industry from school through to employment, is essential to the success of students who are part the program.

The Program:

• The encouragement and education of young South Africans to pursue careers in the maritime industry;

• Maritime training and skills development tutorials, training camps and mentorship activities;
• Annual projects include the holiday Mentoring Camps as well as the joint GBOBA and National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) Maritime Education and Training (E&T) programmes.
• Periodic private coaching interviews with each bursar throughout the year to  review progress, set goals, motivate and encourage, and identify issues requiring resolution;
• Field trips and visits giving exposure to many facets of the maritime industry, including shipping, logistics, shipyards, harbour operations, and maritime law, to increase the bursars' general knowledge of the industry, nurture a passion for  seafaring and enrich the bursars' studies;
• Personal skills development and confidence-building through outreach activities as peer-group role-models and ambassadors of Lawhill and the Fund, and through other extra-mural experiences;
• Extra-tutorial coaching to overcome academic weaknesses.

For more information about GBOBA click HERE


The Sea Cadet Corp is more than 100 years old and is an international organisation. All training staff and functionaries are volunteers and serve for free.  Aimed at preparing youth for a career at sea: 5 SAQA Paths, seamanship, engineering, catering, first aid and communications. Fire Fighting is also offered as a certified course.  SAIMI supports the Sea Cadets to attract and recruit our future Seafarers from this pool of youngsters - in order to lower the attrition rate and reach Operation Phakisa targets.

The Sea Cadets undergo a host of training scenarios which include but are not limited to Maritime skills.  Acquired skills also include those intangible social attributes of self¬ discipline, self-esteem, self-worth, self-confidence, self-identity, self-resilience, self-attitude, successful teamwork, leadership and citizenship, all of which underlie the training and which directly impact on the Cadet's ability to concentrate, learn, consolidate, think and apply information or skills which will be necessary through life. All of which will translate into whatever field of endeavour the Cadets progress to on reaching adulthood.

The Maritime training and skills development elements form the cornerstone of the training offered to boys and girls, as an extra-mural activity to their schooling, from Grade 6 at school until they leave school at the end of Grade 12.

Annual projects include training and skills development for the Sea Cadets made up by 6 levels of competency.

For more information about SA Sea Cadets click HERE!