September 02, 2020
Oil rig safety officer
The Safety Officer assists the rig management in ensuring that the health, safety and environmental (HSE) work on the unit complies with the applicable HSE rules and regulations. They will drive campaigns, initiatives, audits, inspections and investigations relating to work safety, with particular emphasis on rules and regulations concerning emergency preparedness.
Key tasks:
·Keep records of all procedures and safety drills.
·Oversee safety and induction training on board.
·Produce accident reports.
·Undertake inspections.
Entry requirements/training:
Oil rig safety officers will need to complete rig safety programmes and earn certifications to qualify as a safety officer. Additional training they may be required to complete include Basic Offshore Safety Instruction and Emergency Training (BOSIET), Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) and Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) certifications. They may also benefit from Certified Safety Manager (CSM) training.
Associated job opportunities:
The skills associated with this position can easily be transferred ashore to most engineering facilities.